Hot-tubbing with a Spring View

Every Spring when this tree in our backyard is in full bloom I set up a little photo shoot and take pictures of it. This year I thought it would be fun to take pictures of the tree from our back patio and share with you this gorgeous view that I get to enjoy while sitting in our hot tub. You can view some of the past photo shoots of this tree in my Spring Archives. I know that I’ve taken more pictures of the tree before but never got around to blogging about it. I once set up a cute little picnic under the tree but for whatever reason I didn’t share them on the blog. 🤷‍♀️

This tree literally takes my breath away every spring. The tree is just covered in these white blooms and it smells so heavenly. Plus, our neighbors behind us have the same exact tree and as seen above their tree just adds to the volume or ours.

By the way, this tree is called a Snow Crab Apple tree and it’s just a really beautiful tree.

Not an ad, but as I was taking my photos I was also enjoying my Cayman Jack Margarita, these are so good. Have you tried them?

If you look closely in this next pictures, You can spot our dog, Stormy, laying in the dirt under the tree. I think she enjoys being by the tree too. And yes, Our back yard is just dirt now, we need to put down some seed. but whatever.

My blue and white beach towel is new. I just got it from Pottery Barn HERE and absolutely love it! It’s the perfect beach towel. If you need new beach towels, I highly recommend these ones and they come in so many other colors too.

Years ago I painted our hot tub blue. You can read all about it here.

I had also given our patio a makeover and stained all of the wood. See the before and after HERE.

Are you enjoying this Spring Season too?

Let me know what you think in a comment below or come chat with me on Facebook or Instagram.

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Thank you for stopping by today,

With Love,

