Scotland Tartan Pillows

I just got the results back from my DNA test and turns out I’m 32% Scottish! Scottish was the highest region listed on my chart with other regions trailing close behind. So now I want to learn all about Scotland and travel there one day….. I mean I have always wanted to travel to Scotland, but now, I want to even more so because that’s where 32% of me if from 😉 Have you done a DNA Test? It was actually so much fun to do. I did the, but I believe there are several different ones to choose from. I have red hair and blue eyes and my whole life I’ve had people ask me if I was Irish, but now I can tell them in my Scottish accent, Naw, Lad, I’m Scot! Ha! JK I can’t do accents. However, I have heard that the %percentages can change as they do more test, so I guess it’s not all that accurate, but I do hope Scotland stays my top region. Anyway….

So now I am wanting to get some Tartan pillows for our home, but I can’t decide which ones to get. If only I could find out what my Family Clan was then I would just go with that tartan 😊 Wouldn’t that be something? I would actually love to get ALL of these pillows, I think that they would look so cute all mixed together on our red sectional. I actually think of Christmas when I see tartan prints and so I would love to incorporate some of these pillows into our Christmas decorating this year.

I found all of these pillow options at Amazon, Plus there were so many more so I just picked out my favorites, but HERE are all of them. These pillows come in two different sizes 16X16 and 18X18 for around $20.00. They are polyester filled and sewn closed.

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