I took a picture every day for 28 days of something I love and this is what I learned.

Early one morning in late January, I woke up with this idea to create a Photo Challenge for the whole month of February. For this challenge I would take a pictures every single day of something I love. I had such an eager feeling that this photo challenge was something that I needed to do and that I needed to share and ask others to join me. Now, I just have to say, I’ve never done anything like this before and this was something so out of the ordinary for me to do, but like I said, I felt very inspired to do so. So that morning I sat down at my computer, created this graphic and posted it on The Wicker House’s Instagram Page with a link to my Wicker House Photography Instagram page.

And you know what. Not one person joined me. Not one. All month long, not a single person. It’s a little embarrassing to put yourself out there like this. But whatever, I continued on with the challenge all by myself anyway. I posted a pictures every single day of something I love on my Photography Instagram page, as well as in my The Wicker House stories. And in the end, I realized that this challenge was really just meant for me anyways.

Here are 5 Things that I learned after doing this 28 day Photography Challenge:

  1. I learned that taking pictures every day improves you’r photography. I mean how could it not, you’re basically getting more practice every time you get your camera out. I definitely feel like my photography has improved after this challenge. If you want to improve your photography then I suggest giving yourself a little daily photo challenge. And If you post about it on your facebook or Instagram page then you are more likely to follow through with it.
  2. I learned more about my Camera and Settings. Knowing that I still have so much to learn about photography, I hit up YouTube and found the most helpful video. (This ONE). 👈 This Video taught me to set my camera on the Aperture (AV) setting instead of on the Manual (M) setting, and it seriously is a game changer. I’ve always been taught that shooting in Manual is the correct way, but after watching this video, I am no longer a believer of that. Check out the video to see why. Another change I made when taking pictures is that I now take slightly darker photos knowing that I will lighten them up in editing. I use to try to capture very bright photos on my camera, but in the end I think it made my photos more washed out because not only was I taking bright photos, but I was also then lighting them up even more so in editing.
  3. I learned that there is a Perfect Preset (Mood) for every image. I am a collector of Lightroom Presets. Some Presets I’ve bought, others I’ve picked up for free. I really like to use Presets because I feel like they create a “mood” to my pictures. My takeaway here though, after doing this Photo Challenge, is that each individual picture should have its own Perfect Preset. At least what I have found is that there really is a certain Mood that I am envisioning for that image, and trying out different presets on each picture will help you to find the perfect one for what you have envisioned. I know, the popular thing to do is to use the same Preset on all of your photos to give them a cohesive look, but I think it’s more creative to mix it up. If you would like to know more about what Lightroom Presets I use, leave me a comment and perhaps I’ll write up a blog post just on Presets if anyone is interested.
  4. I learned to focus More on What I Love. This challenge was in February, the month of Valentine’s day and so the whole idea was to take pictures of things / people / places that I came across during my day that made me feel LOVE. I found myself searching throughout my day for special things that made me feel love. Some of the things that I love are things that maybe I hadn’t really thought much about before so It really was a positive experience.
  5. I learned that taking pictures is wonderful for blogging content. I had originally planned to just share the pictures that I took on my photography Instagram page. However, many of the images ended up on my The Wicker House Instagram page as well because a lot of the pictures were of things that had to do with home decor. I also found myself adding the pictures to blog post, and I even wrote up a blog post about trunks after randomly taking a picture of my trunks as something that I love.

I’m really glad that I started this challenge and stuck with it for the whole month. It was a great learning experience for me. Moving forward, I won’t continue taking picture every single day because it did feel a bit overwhelming, but I do think that I will start taking pictures a little more often than I did before because of all of the great benefits listed above.

So Here are all of the pictures that I took for the Month of February of what I love.

Day 1: I love flowers ❤️
And tropical flowers are some of my favorites. My work delivered these to my office, but unfortunately they were left out in the freezing cold all weekend long and so they are a little wilted and probably won’t last long, but I still absolutely love this.
Day 2: I love my Dog, Stormy 🖤
She and I are a lot alike. We were both born in March, we both love naps and we both love long walks on the beach.
Day 3: I love tomato soup🧡
On these cold winter days nothing sounds better for lunch than a big bowl of tomato soup. The organic roasted red pepper & tomato soup that comes in a box is my current favorite.
Day 4: I love my new curtains 💛
( I also love my straw hats, but I’ll share them another day) 😊 These new curtains look so pretty in our home (as Seen HERE) .
Day 5. I love weekend mornings ❤️
Taking it easy, drinking coffee, and watching the sun light up our home
Day 6: I love seashells 🐚
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a beach and not put at least one shell in my pocket. Today I gathered up all of my shells, dusted them off, and reorganize them
Day 7: I love old trunks 🤎
Here are just a few but I have several more. They’re great for storing things like pictures and memorabilia.
Day 8: I love wine 🍷 and champagne 🍾
I saw a cute hashtag #objectheartchallenge where you create a heart out of something you love. I thought this was a cute idea and a fun prompting for my photo challenge on this day. This idea is from @mycolorfulvintageheart.
Day 9: I love fresh produce 💚
I also love grocery pickup day because now my fridge is full again. Also, who else does grocery pick up? It’s the best thing ever!!!
Day 10: I love my son Liam 💙
I also love to hear him play the guitar.
Day 11: I love Vacations 💚
And my vacation photo hallway…which was a challenge in itself to photograph due to poor lighting and glare.
Day 12: I love our home 🤍
I have loved our home since the very first day I walked into it.
Day 13: I love chocolate 🤎
I also love that the Bengals are playing in the Super Bowl 🧡🖤
Day 14: I love my husband Jake ❤️
Happy Valentines Day!
Day 15: I love candles 💛
And I really love this new one that I just got because it has a wood wick that crackles when it burns.
Day 16: I love freshly fallen snow 🤍
We woke up to snow this morning and so I brought my camera with me as I walked to work. It was so pretty and peaceful.
Day 17: I love lighthouses 🖤
Here are some of the lighthouses I’ve visited and photographed, all on the Oregon Coast. I still need to print off a few other pictures to add to my collection.
Day 18: I love my son Jaxon 🧡
I’m also not the only one who thinks he’s the best.
Day 19: I love Weekend Project ❤️
I added hardware to our stove mount, organized our spices, and checked off a few other things on my list as well. ✔️
Day 20: I love paint 💙 for its endless possibilities.
Day 21: I love hanging with my family 🧡
Not the best picture, but that’s okay, I captured a fun moment. No school or work today so we went into town to buy the boys new Vans and eat lunch at YardHouse.
Day 22: I love my house plants 💚 All 27 of them.
This Asparagus Plumosa Fern is one of my favorites.
Day 23: I love Wicker 🤎 Bet you already knew that.
Day 24: I love my bed 💙
Day 25: I love my grandma Nora’s straw hats 💛
Day 26: I love my plantation shutters 🤍
I know that’s a weird thing to love, but I really really love them. 
Day 27: I love my small town 🤎
My son actually took these three pictures on his walk today so I can’t take credit for them, but I did add my edits to the pictures and wanted to share them because I absolutely love them.
Day 28: Last Day!  love pretty skies 💙 

Perhaps I may do this challenge again sometime, maybe next February ?? And Maybe next time I can get someone to do the challenge with me 🙂

Do you have any questions or comments? if so, please leave them below.

Thank you for stopping by,




  1. Laura
    March 2, 2022 / 3:36 pm

    This was a sweet idea and great collection of pictures I bet lots of people joined you even though they may not have admitted it. What a nice artsy way of documenting what you are grateful for in life. I think people forget to do this more often. We all have so much to love and be grateful for!

    • thewickerhouse
      March 6, 2022 / 12:50 pm

      Hi Laura, Sorry for the late response but I just wanted to say thank you so much for leaving me a comment and for your sweet words. Yes, We all have so much to love and be grateful for. Agree 100%. Have a wonderful day!

  2. ellie
    March 4, 2022 / 4:13 am

    i don’t do social media, so i won’t be able to join you next year. however, i will say that i very much enjoyed your pictures and your descriptions below each one. i also enjoyed reading what you gained from doing the project. i plan to practice more with my camera too. thank you!! ellie

    • thewickerhouse
      March 6, 2022 / 12:54 pm

      Hi Ellie, Thank you for leaving me a comment on my blog post. It’s so refreshing to hear that you do not do social media. I’m finding more and more that it’s not benefiting me much these days. 🙂 I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed my post. Keep Taking Pictures with your camera, it’s the best practice. Have a Lovely Day!

  3. Shannon
    March 8, 2022 / 5:07 pm

    This was a great idea! I love that you shared your photos with us.

    • thewickerhouse
      March 9, 2022 / 3:05 pm

      Thank You so much!