Christmas Card Display Idea

What do you do with the Christmas cards that you receive in the mail? Here is what I like to do with ours. I wrap yarn around a closet door and then hang the cards up with clothespins.

This is such a simple idea and most likely this is something that you can easily re-create in your own home as well.

First, decide on which door in your home you would like to use for displaying your Christmas Cards on. Coat closet doors are a great choice because they’re usually out in the open but maybe you have a pantry door or other door that you would like to use for your cards. A cupboard door could also work for this.

Next, grab some yarn. I used this chunky soft yarn but any yarn will work great. I think that Red or Green yarn would really look festive. This next picture shows how much yarn I used, so as you can see, it really doesn’t take very much yarn at all.

You’ll probably need a step stool or chair to stand on in order to reach the top of the door. Start by taping down the end of the yarn to the top of the door and then begin wrapping the yarn around the door. Once you have around 7 to 10 wraps of yarn around the door secure the end with more tape.

I don’t know if I really even needed to explain that, I’m sure you can figure it out just by looking at the pictures because it really is that simple of an idea.

And lastly, I just used plain wood clothespins and attached the cards to the yarn.

Keep some extra clothespins nearby so that you can continue hanging your cards as you receive them in the mail.

I think it’s fun to have Christmas cards on display because not only do they remind you of friends and family during the holidays but they are also just fun to look at.

So Tell me, What do you do with your cards? Do you have any other fun ideas? If so, let us know in a comment below or come chat with me on Facebook or Instagram.

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