I used craft Paints to paint some stripes on some boring old pillows I had and I absolutely love how they turned out. Not only was this a super easy afternoon project, but I found myself having so much fun being creative. Read along to learn more and hopefully I can inspire you in one way or another today.

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I’m currently in a Preppy / RL Polo Style Mood. You can learn how that got started in my last post seen HERE. so I was wanting to add more of that preppy look into our living room. I found myself desiring some rugby striped pillows, and after a bit of thought, I decided that I could just make some myself. And so I did.

I already had some plain maroon pillow covers. These covers came with our large sectional sofa and I dyed them when I dyed the rest of our couch from Red to Maroon. (Blog post about Dying couch found HERE). I knew these covers would be perfect to add rugby stripes to. So then all I did was use a level, Sharpie marker, Craft Paints, and a brush to create the stripes.

Laying the Level evenly across the pillow cover I made straight lines marking it with a sharpie marker. I continued making lines down the cover by placing the level on the marked lines and marking new lines. Making sure that my lines were evenly spaced apart.

Next, I painted inside of the lines using a regular craft paint. This Mustard color is called, Yellow Orchre. Now I could have used painters tape, but to tell you the truth I do not like painters tape. I avoid it at all cost. Painters tape doesn’t work that great and the paint always seems to bleed through the tape and I did not want that. So Instead I just used a small 3/4 inch paint brush and was careful to keep my paint within the lines.

Once I was done. I left it outside to dry in the sun.

When I was done with my mustard Yellow stripes, I started on my second pillow. For this pillow I went with blue stripes. (The color I used was called True Navy by Apple Barrel Craft Paint) And then to keep it from looking to matchy-matchy with the first pillow, I made my blue stripes bigger. I drew my lines the same as I did on the yellow, but instead of painting every other line, I did two lines at a time, left two and then painted two more.

The Paint did leave a bit of a scratchy texture to it, but I only painted one side of the pillow. So it can still be turned over for laying comfortably on, if so desired.

I Love how the pillows turned out. They look Exactly how I was wanting them to, Like a Ralph Lauren – Rugby – Polo – Preppy – shirt. Also, like my family mentioned, a bit Harry Potter as well, which is still that look I was wanting.

I then tried to decorate the rest of my living room with this pretty look. So I switched out all of the seashells that were on the wood rack before with books. Books are so Preppy and so I filled the whole shelf with them. Then I searched my home for other Preppy decor and found a few other items to add. Overall I think I achieved the look that I was going for.

What do you think? Have any Questions or Comments? Please let me know below or email them to me at thewickerhouse@yahoo.com or come find me on Facebook and/or Instagram
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