Is it cold where you live? We are on Snow day number 2 here and I am in shock with how much snow we have gotten. It’s all good though because I love it and it’s so beautiful. So today’s post is not my typical blog post, but I thought it was worth blogging about anyhow. I have been living in Leg Warmers a Ton lately, and I just think they are the greatest thing ever! And so I wanted to quickly write up a blog post today about Leg Warmers of all things and share some cute ones that I have found online.

One of my favorite ways to wear leg warmers is over skinny jeans that covers up an ankle boot. But they are also nice to wear under jeans, or with some leggings. I just find them to be so cozy and warm, and recently while trekking through all of the snow we have gotten, I have come to find out that they add an extra layer of warmth while also keeping your jeans dry.

What about you? Are you a fan of leg Warmers too? Have you given them a try lately? I highly recommend that you do!
Here are some cute ones:
*Disclaimer: This blog post contains Affiliated links which means that I earn a small commission for purchases made through these links.
What do you think? Any questions about anything? Let me know in a comment below or come chat with me on Facebook and/or Instagram.
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Thanks for Stopping by, Stay Warm Friendds!