Easter Garden Stake Printable

Hello Friends!

I am so happy to be joining in on this fun printable/vignette blog hop today.

21 bloggers are all sharing an easy vignette, as well as a free Easter/Spring Printable.

A little bit of spring loveliness from our homes to yours!

I have made this cute little Easter decoration and wanted to share with you how to make it.

It is an Easter garden stake.  

It can be placed outside in your flower bed or in a large flower pot;

or placed inside, like I have done in our entryway.

This is actually my very first printable ever! 

So, I just kept it really simple.

To make an Easter garden stake like mine, you will first need to save and then print these two printables below.

Just ‘Right Click’ on each image, scroll down to ‘Save Image As’ and then save to your computer.

Set paper size to 8 X 10 and print out.

Same goes for this bunny printable:

Once they are printed, tape the bunny image onto a piece of decorative card stock and cut it out.

You can really have fun with different paper patterns here.

Next, glue the cut-out of the bunny to the center of the burlap printable. 

I just used a glue stick for this.

Then, place the printable into a 8 X 10 picture frame.

Now you will attach the frame to a garden stake.  I found this stake in my mother-in-law’s shed,  but you should be able to find something similar at any home and garden store.  This one happens to be 4 feet tall and about 1/4 of an inch thick.

 (I also did a quick, light coat of white spray paint to it). 

Then, using two small screws I attached the garden stake to the picture frame.

If you plan to use this outdoors, I would suggest you cover the back of the frame with duct tape to protect it from the elements.  

I would also suggest you hot glue the glass into the frame to water seal it.

Finally, hot glue a cotton ball to the outside of the glass, creating a sweet little bunny tail.  

However, if you are going to place it outdoors, then you may want to skip this step.

I was going to share pictures of it outside in the yard, but my yard is looking a little bit brown at the moment. So instead, I have it leaning up against the wall in our entry way.

I bought some cute little flowers and placed them in a basket.

I love how they instantly added a pop of spring to the space.

And now we wait for the little bunnies to come crossing by.


To follow along on this Easter/Spring Printable Blog Hop, 

below are the 20 other talented bloggers and a link to the vignette and free printable that they have all created.

Bird Prints Vignette with Free Printable by Town and Country Living 

Dreamsicle Botanical Recipe Printby My Sweet Savannah 

I Love Paris in the Springtime by So Much Better with Age 

Spring Floral Watercolors by Migonis Home

Let New Adventures Begin by City Farmhouse 

Hello Easter Greeting Card Printable by Sweet C’s Designs 

Hippity Hoppity by Clean and Scentsible 

Spring Vignette and Free Printable by My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 

Botanical Prints for Spring by Shades of Blue Interiors 

Spring Easter Bunny Free Printable by Thoughts from Alice 

The Earth Laughs in Flowers by Ella Claire 

Well, Hello Spring by Nest of Posies 

Free Printable Welcome Spring by Dandelion Patina 

 Aztec Easter Egg Print by My Someday in May

Rain Boots Printable by Chronicles of Home 

Bunny Gift Tag by In My Own Style

Easter Placemats by Finding Silver Pennies 

Our Nest Watercolor Printable by Craftberry Bush 

He Makes All Things Beautiful by AKA Design 

Gardening Printables by Lilypad Cottage  

Easter Garden Stake Printableby The Wicker House 



  1. Julie
    March 4, 2015 / 11:04 am

    This is just way too cute! I love it. 🙂 Julie

  2. Jennifer @ Town and Country Living
    March 4, 2015 / 12:58 pm

    Cute sign, Jen! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  3. Jennifer @ Town and Country Living
    March 4, 2015 / 12:58 pm

    Ugh! So sorry!! I meant to write Emily, not Jen.

  4. Alice Wingerden
    March 4, 2015 / 2:27 pm

    Love it! So sweet!

  5. Pura Vida
    March 5, 2015 / 7:33 am

    Really cute

  6. Unknown
    March 5, 2015 / 12:48 pm

    happy easter wishes
    Happy Easter Images

  7. Unknown
    March 5, 2015 / 6:28 pm

    This is just so cute! Can't wait to put it together tonight!

  8. Unknown
    March 10, 2015 / 8:03 am

    this is n ice articel
    Easter Messages For Whatsapp

    Easter Messages for Facebook

    Easter Status For Whatsapp

  9. Sumit Thakur
    March 27, 2015 / 3:59 am

    I have made a huge collection of Happy Easter Day Images and pictures…Go and get them for free.
    Happy Easter Day 2015
    Happy Easter Images 2015
    Funny Easter Images

  10. Sumit Thakur
    March 28, 2015 / 4:31 am

    I have made a huge collection of Happy Easter Day Images and pictures…Go and get them for free.
    Happy Easter Day 2015
    Happy Easter Images 2015
    Funny Easter Images

  11. Unknown
    August 16, 2016 / 12:11 pm

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