Corten Steel Planter Box with Rust Patina

I have a new planter box on our front porch that I’m so excited to share with you today because I think it’s one of the coolest things ever! Here, Let me tell you why I think it’s so cool.

For starters, I’m a sucker for anything that looks aged and rustic and so the rusty metal on this planter looks like it has been around for ages even though it’s new.

And secondly, it’s hard to find really large planters like this, and it’s especially hard to find planters that aren’t your standard round pot. So the fact that this planter is a long rectangular shape is so unique, plus it’s really deep so it makes it ideal for outdoor plants.

I ordered this Corten Steel Planter box from Amazon HERE. It’s made from a company called DIY CARTEL, which You may have heard me talk about before because I am such a huge fan of them. I’ve ordered These raw steel brackets, and These Steel Ledge Shelves from them as well. DIY CARTEL has awesome and unique products.

The planter box arrived in parts with hardware and instructions to assemble it. It was really simple to put together, in fact I put my boys to work and had them do it for me 😊 They love projects like this.

But take a look at this… This is what the steel looks like when it arrives. It’s like a gun metal color.

There are some DIY Instructions on how to speed up the rust process included, but truthfully, I found that just leaving the planter outside in the climate conditions did the job in no time. My planter started to rust naturally right away. I’ve now had this planter for 2 months, and as you can see, it’s now fully rusted.

The natural patina and rust in only on the surface level and it will never rust through. Also there are two holes at the bottom for drainage. I have my planter slightly lifted off the ground using some wood slats, this also helps with drainage.

Does’t it look like this planter is an old vintage find that has been around for ages? I just love that about it. What about you, Do you love a little rust too?

So for my planter, I already knew that I wanted to grow some tall green bushes in it. I thought that green bushes would look nice, plus, I love the idea of the bushes creating a bit of a privacy wall once they got a little taller.

I found these green bushes at Fred Meyers (Krogers). I just walked into the store one day, saw them, and grabbed them right away because they were the exact plant that I had been envisioning for my planter. Plus they were on sale! I love when things come together like that.

Can you see what I have planned for the bushes, as far as having them grow a little taller to act as a privacy wall? I just think that would look great and frame our entryway a little nicer.

I really like to garden and it excites me to see my plants come back to life and flowers start to bloom.

And this Spring, I even added another layer to my flower bed. My mother in law had some extra pavers that she wasn’t using, so I took them off her hands and expanded my flower bed. She still has more pavers so I’m thinking of adding more onto the other side as well. Then I can grow even more flowers! 🌺 🌸 💐

So what do you think about my garden and new Corten Steel Planters? Do you have any questions? Let me know in a comment below or come chat with me on Facebook or Instagram.

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Thanks for stopping by today,




  1. J
    April 29, 2021 / 4:21 pm

    Love it Emily!!! So rad

    • thewickerhouse
      May 1, 2021 / 9:25 am

      It is pretty Rad! Thank You! 😊