I have been on a Bamboo kick ever since I added it to our fireplace. Bamboo is such a great choice for your home for so many reasons, it’s eco-friendly, looks earthy and beautiful, and has a natural tropical-zen feel to it. Do you love Bamboo too? If so, when you’re done viewing this blog post, be sure to check out my BAMBOO PIN BOARD, it’ll will be sure to inspire you!

*Disclaimer: This blog post contains Affiliated links which means that I earn a small commission for purchases made through these links.
I just shared more about the bamboo that I added to our fireplace [See Post HERE] but below is another pictures of it. I really think it turned out fun and it brought such a peaceful vibe to our living room. The bamboo mirror was the perfect mirror to go on my mantel because it blends in nicely to the whole look. It had me looking around our home – as well as on Amazon for more bamboo to add to our home.

Here are some of the beautiful Bamboo pieces that I came across on Amazon while looking for more bamboo to add to our home. I thought you might be interested in seeing it too. Let me know what catches your eye.
Or by Clicking on the images below to view more. I added notes to share my thoughts.
Want to see even more Bamboo decor? See my Ongoing Idea List [HERE] (I will continue to add to this list as I come across more great Bamboo finds)
So What do you think? Any Questions or Comments? Please let me know below or email them to me at thewickerhouse@yahoo.com or come find me on Facebook and/or Instagram.
And remember, you are welcome to PIN any of the Images from my blog on PINTEREST. Find a Pin It button by hovering over any of the pictures.
If you like the type of decor that I share, then be sure to check out my SHOP MY FAVORITES Page. I keep it updated with all of the fun Coastal, Cottage, and Farmhouse Decor that I come across on a daily basis. I personally want EVERYTHING that I have listed there.
You can also Check out more on my Amazon Page [HERE]. It too is full of all sorts of favorites. And I also just opened up a Walmart Storefront as well for all of my fellow Walmart shoppers. Take a look around!
Thanks for stopping by,