I did a little decorating in our dining room and wanted to share it with you today. I thought that the finished look of our dining room had a bit of that Camp Style aesthetic and so that’s why I’m calling my blog post Camp Style in our Dining Room today. Are you familiar with Camp Style?

Camp Style is when you take Cottage Style, subtract the feminine touches, and aim for the look of Summer Camp. Camp Style involves a lot of Vintage Camp Decor, Bright Colors, Plaids, flea market finds, and anything Lake Inspired. My favorite Place to go For Camp Style inspiration is Camp Wandawega. Check our their Website or their Instagram page. They are Amazing!!!

Our dining room is not necessarily screaming Camp Style, but I’ve added enough little touches to still create that happy Camp style look.

This new look in our dining room all came about when my mother in law gave me a box full of stuff that she no longer wanted. Inside that box was this vintage red plaid thermos. I was so excited about this thermos that I basically used it for the whole inspiration behind decorating our dining room in the first place.

It’s amazing how one new item can really light you up with creativity and inspiration, isn’t it? This is why I use to thrift shop and yard sale so often, but I have since taken a break from basically ALL shopping. I realized that I already have enough great stuff to decorate our home with and that I really don’t need anything more. However, receiving this vintage thermos from my mother in law gave me a little spark that I’ve been missing.

Don’t look too closely at our table and chairs because they could all use a fresh coat of paint. I’m debating if I want to keep the table white and the chairs black or if I want to paint them a whole different color. Any Thoughts or Suggestions? What would you do if this were your table and chairs?

This old butcher block table has sat in this same spot since we moved in 8 years ago. Apparently it’s a good spot for it. On the bottom shelf I have my little collection of picnic baskets that I have spray painted white. These picnic baskets are great for extra storage. This type of picnic basket is also a classic piece with Camp style, even more so if I had left them unpainted. And then on top of the butcher block we have a lamp, which is great for a soft light in the evenings. We also have a few favorite cook books (Search Cook Book here on the blog to see more of each of them). I layered all of the decor here in front of an old window screen which I thought made for a great backdrop. And then we have a bamboo plate stand, a plant, a cute milk bottle, and a vintage metal tray that also has that Camp Style design to it.

Oh and we can’t forget the star of the room, the Marlin that’s hanging up on the wall. We got the Marlin from our cool uncle.

Here is a view of the dining room from our kitchen. I’m absolutely loving my new red kitchen cabinets. I also love this view that you can see in this next pictures. Here you can see how the red kitchen cabinets flow so well into the the living room with our red sectional couch. This view literally makes me smile.

If you missed it, or if you would like to see it again, HERE is the blog post about our Red Kitchen Cabinets.

And then I also recently blogged more about the two white bookshelves that I just moved here into our dining room from our office. See that post HERE.

Our home has gone through quite a lot of changes this year and I couldn’t be more happy with the way that it’s all finally coming together. Honestly, adding all of the touches of red has truly made our home feel filled with a renewed burst of energy, which is exactly what we were needing.

Our home feels like Happy, Summer Camp Vibes and I love it.

So what do you think of this look in our dining room? Let me know in a comment below or come chat with me on Facebook or Instagram.
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Thanks for stopping by today,